Shoujo Kyousou

Shoujo Kyousou (Virgin Rhapsody)
Lyrics: Arimura Ryuutarou
Composition: Hasegawa Tadashi
Translation by Yuri_Nikko

I wrote some messed up lyrics
and sang them like a madman
and with joints grinding
played the violin awefully
then my bones went limp
I didn’t birth such thoughts

In pieces I’m scattered
I’m all under the table
From there I watch TV
All sorts of stuff I check
check check

“It’s inside your pocket” it said
I heard it from an old song
There’s cookies in there
always multiplying more
So that’s why I’m
never calcium deficient

In pieces I’m scattered
I’m all under the table
From there I watch TV
I can see all sorts of stuff

Why why is my hand coming off?
Why why don’t I have any legs?
Why why am I smiling?
Why why I… …am I here?
“… … .” (Gone mad)

In pieces I’m scattered
I’m all under the table
From there I watch TV
All sorts of stuff I check
check check
In pieces I’m scattered
I’m all under the table
Scatter me all you like, scatter me all you like